Conversation Club for Adult Japanese Language Learners 会話クラス

Recommended for those who wish to talk with peers using the Japanese expressions they have learned so far.

  • The facilitators are native Japanese speakers. You can ask questions about Japan.
  • The facilitators are responsible for creating the atmosphere for everyone to speak in Japanese. They may bring up some topics to talk when the conversation does not go smoothly.   
  • The facilitators may limit the time that each participant can talk.  
  • The participants are responsible for respecting peers’ opinions. They are free to talk about anything except for the business talks that may benefit particular participants.
  • At JCAM, in addition to conversation classes, we also offer Japanese language classes tailored to your level. If you want to learn Japanese grammar, please consider enrolling in those classes.
  • The participants’ Japanese proficiency levels may vary.  

 Term 1 Fall 

Tuesdays – September 17, 24, October 1, 8, 22, 29, November 5, 12, 19, 26, December 3, 10 (12 classes)
6:00 – 6:50pm (Session 1) / 7:00 – 7:50pm (Session 2)
Can take one or both classes 
Eligibility: Be 18 years of age or older. Must be able to read Hiragana.   

Fee:  $130 per session + Membership 

 Term 2 Winter & Spring 

Tuesdays – January 21, 28, February 4, 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 8,15, 22 (12 classes)
6:00 – 6:50pm (Session 1) / 7:00 – 7:50pm (Session 2)
Can take one or both classes 
Eligibility: Be 18 years of age or older. Must be able to read Hiragana.   

Fee:  $130 per session + Membership 

Registration Schedule   

Term 1 (Fall) Aug.1-Sep.7 

Click HERE to register for Term 1

Term 2 (Winter & Spring) Dec.1-Jan.11 

Click HERE to register for Term 2

* Classes may be cancelled without advance notice due to weather conditions or other unforeseeable emergencies. If a class is cancelled, a make-up class will be arranged by the instructor. 


About JCAM and JCAM Japanese Language School  JCAMおよびJCAM日本語学校について 


  • JCAM is a community-based, charitable corporation that is run by its volunteer members. JCAM’s objective is the education, preservation, and promotion of Japanese and Japanese Canadian culture, history, and language in the province of Manitoba.   JCAMは、地域社会に根ざしたボランティアメンバーによって運営されている慈善団体です。JCAMは、マニトバ州における日本人および日系カナダ人の文化、歴史、言語を教育し、保存するとともにそれらを普及することを目的としています。
  • Only JCAM members can register for the courses of JCAM Japanese Language School (“School”). JCAM日本語学校は、お申し込みいただいたJCAM会員の方がご利用いただけます.
  • The School accounts for one of the core activities of JCAM: promoting Japanese traditional culture, Japanese modern culture, and human rights. JCAM日本語学校は、JCAMの活動の柱である「伝統文化、現代日本文化および人権の普及」に位置づけられるプログラムです。
  • At Heritage Language Program, the School is operated with the volunteer support of parents and guardians. Any assistance and cooperation to support the School is greatly appreciated.  JCAM日本語学校の継承語クラスにおいては運営が潤滑に行われるよう、生徒の保護者の方のご協力をお願いします 

Withdrawal and Refund Policy 返金について 

 Heritage, High School and Adult programs are full-year programs for an effective learning experience.  Please read our terms and conditions carefully before registration. 



  • Tuition fees are fully refundable only for first-time students to the School if an email or phone request for withdrawal is received by the School by 4pm on the business day before the third class. 日本語学校の学費は新規申込みの生徒に限り、3回目の授業の前営業日の午後4時までキャンセルをEメールか電話にて受付、学費は全額返金致します。
  • JCAM membership fee, textbook and workbook are not refundable by the School even if a student is entitled to a full tuition refund. 新規お申し込みで、正規の手順で全額返金を受けたとしても、JCAMの会費とご自身でご購入されたテキストやワークブックは、返金、買い取りいたしませんので、ご注意ください。
  • Classes may be subject to cancellation if minimum enrollment is not met. Students will be entitled to a full tuition refund (including the non-refundable deposit) under these circumstances. (JCAM membership fee would not be refunded.) クラスの人数が定数に満たない場合は、クラスがキャンセルされる場合があります。この場合は初回以外の方も学費はDeposit を含め全額返金致します。(JCAM会費は返金されません)
  • If a class is cancelled due to the minimum enrollment policy, students in the Adult Program may be allowed to register for another class. Please consult with the instructors.  クラスが定員に満たずキャンセルとなった場合、大人クラスの方で他のレベルに移りたい方は講師の判断により他のクラスに移ることが可能です。 


JCAM – Japanese Cultural Centre  

180 McPhillips Street Winnipeg, MB R3E 2J9  

Tel: 204.774.5909  



Language Program Coordinator:  

Mari Nemoto, Minako Koike 
