2023 JCAM Gala Dinner


Saturday September 23rd, 2023
Cocktails 6:00, Dinner 6:30


Canad Inns Polo Park
1405 St Matthews Ave

The 2023 JCAM GALA dinner feels very special now that we have "weathered the storm" over the past 3 years and JCAM has reemerged under a rainbow of success. "Keizoku wa chikara nari" is a famous Japanese proverb which literally translates into "Persistence Pays off."  This proverb sums up all the efforts of our members, volunteers, employees, and our board!  Let's continue to strive to keep our centre a home to be proud of and shared by all.

Our guest of honour for the 2023 JCAM Gala Dinner is Ms. Isha Khan, CEO of the Canadian Museum of Human Rights.  Ms. Khan is a lawyer, educator, and community leader dedicated to building a culture of human rights in Canada.

Our 2023 JCAM Community Awards will also be presented.   The Gala Dinner provides the opportunity for us to celebrate the contributions of those who keep our community thriving.

We are so excited to present two Community Service Awards.  They will be presented to Mrs. Kathy Grabowski and Mr. Harvey Kaita.

This year will be the inaugural  year for our new award, the "Bill Norrie - Community Supporter Award" being presented to former mayor, Mr. Brian Bowman!

This year, JCAM Gala Dinner guests will have a chance to meet members from across Canada as the National Association of Japanese Canadians (NAJC) hosts its annual meeting in our city.  Over 100 delegates are invited to our centre to work for the betterment of all the cultural associations across Canada.  The NAJC meeting agenda is a discussion to build capacity of membership as well as succession planning.

The Gala Dinner is the one annual event when the majority of us get to sit back and enjoy an evening with family and friends.  It provides a wonderful opportunity to catch up with one another.  Join us for an evening of laughter, lively conversation, and even a maskless hug or two!

日時:2023年9月23日 カクテル 午後6時 夕食 午後6時半

場所:カナダイン・ポロパーク 1405セント・マシュー アベニュー









Gala Dinner Keynote Speaker
Ms. Isha Khan
CEO, Canadian Museum for Human Rights

Isha Khan (she/her) is a lawyer, educator and community leader dedicated to building a culture of human rights in Canada and beyond. She assumed her role as CEO of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in August of 2020.
Born in Winnipeg, she holds degrees from the University of Manitoba and the University of Victoria. She worked in private practice in Calgary before returning home to lead institutional development and change management at United Way Winnipeg. She served at the    Manitoba Human Rights Commission, first as legal counsel and then as Executive Director, moving forward several important rights-based initiatives and public education campaigns. Before assuming her role at the Museum, she was appointed by the Government of Canada to      review the conditions of incarcerated people in segregation in federal penitentiaries.
In addition to her professional accomplishments, she is also a dedicated community volunteer who served as Board Chair of United Way Winnipeg.Throughout her life, Khan has helped build communities where everyone is respected and empowered to reach their full potential. She continues that work at the Museum, engaging people around the world in a growing movement for hope and human rights.

Bill Norrie - Community Supporter Award Recipient
Former Mayor Mr. Brian Bowman

Brian is born and raised in Winnipeg and is Metis, being a proud citizen of the Manitoba Metis Federation. He was elected as mayor of Winnipeg in 2014 and re-elected in 2018.

As mayor, he has hosted visits from Setegaya (one of Winnipeg’s sister cities). He has supported JCAM’s 2017 signing of the Indigenous Accord and acknowledged JCAMs making of cranes for Ma Mawa Wi Chi Iata Centre as well as the Aboriginal Centre.

Brian and his family have attended the Japanese Pavilion many times as well as our gala dinners. He was one of the keynote speakers at our 2022 Gaman dinner honoring our seniors.

JCAM Community Service Award Recipient
Mr. Harvey Kaita

Harvey is a lifelong resident of the Winnipeg Community and the Japanese Canadian community.

His work with the Manitoba Buddhist Temple includes being on its Board since 1990 and having served as President for many years, a title he currently holds. He is also on the board of the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist temples of Canada.

As president of the Temple, Harvey has been an inspiration leader for the congregation having led them through renovations of the kitchen, classrooms and hondo.

He has also been a strong supporter of JCAM volunteering at Folklorama and supporting our ramen and udon events.

JCAM Community Service Award Recipient
Mrs. Kathy Grabowski

Kathy is a long term resident of Winnipeg and a long term supporter of the Japanese community.

She has performed with the Aurora Dancers for many years performing at various venues including Folklorama. She is a Horizon Club team leader. She volunteers for sushi and manju making at the Centre as well as at the Temple.

Kathy has looked after grocery purchases at the Centre and is a member of the Food Committee.


Miso Soup
Sushi from Edokko Japanese Foods
Herb Crusted Chicken Breast or Vegetarian Strudel
Vegetables and Potato
Dessert- Double Chocolate Mousse
Tea / Coffee

Tickets are on sale now for $90 (+ PST) per seat (tax receipt for $30/ticket) - Click HERE

Everyone must fill out this form in order for us to prepare the seating assignments and dietary restrictions. Click HERE

If you are unable to attend the Gala Dinner, please consider supporting the event by making a donation! - Click HERE

Directions to Canad Inns Destination Polo Park - Click HERE