Mural: Japanese in Manitoba

Mural: Japanese in Manitoba is a pictorial history that gives an overview of the arrival of Japanese Canadians to Manitoba in 1942 to sugar beet farms and resettlement to Winnipeg

Visual Designer of mural: Cindy Mochizuki

Donor: Frank H. Hori Charitable Foundation

Short description: The mural consists of five panels based on a graphic novel structure that describes the various time points in Japanese Manitoban history.

Official Unveiling: September 27, 2020

Full YouTube video of the unveiling is available to watch here.




寄贈者: フランクH 慈善基金

概要: 壁画は五枚のパネルから成っており、漫画形式のような形で、時系列でマニトバの日系人の歴史を表現しています。

公式公開:令和2年 9


Panel One:  Forced removal from British Columbia

Many Japanese arrived in British Columbia in the early 1900's. However, they were denied the right to vote and prevented them from entering the professions. Many found success in fishing and farming. After war was declared on Japan by Canada December 1941, over 21,000 Japanese were forcibly removed from the West Coast, properties confiscated and interned. Some were sent to internment camps, sugar beet farms or prisoner-of-war camps.

パネル1 :  ブリティッシュコロンビア州からの強制退去



Panel Two:  Life on sugar beet farm

In 1942, 1250 Japanese arrived at the immigration centre in Winnipeg to be placed on sugar beet farms in Southern Manitoba. Because of labor shortages, the Manitoba Sugar Beet Growers arranged with the federal government to recruit Japanese as farm workers. The working and living conditions were horrible and may left the farms in a few years.

パネル2: 甜菜(サトウダイコン)農場での暮らし


Panel Three:  Resettlement to areas near and in Winnipeg

Eventually, when Japanese left the farms, many moved to the outskirts of Winnipeg to areas such as North Kildonan and Middlechurch as the Japanese were not allowed to live in Winnipeg until 1946. As internment camps closed in British Columbia in 1945 a number of people came to Manitoba as well.

パネル3: ウィニペグと周辺地域への再定住



Panel Four:  Redress movement

As the Japanese community developed in Winnipeg, the Japanese Canadian redress movement had a tremendous impact. After the agreement was signed in September 1988, the Manitoba community received funds to purchase the present cultural centre, a permanent home for community activities. Seniors also contributed some of their individual redress payment to establish a community endowment fund as a legacy for present and future generations.



Panel Five:   JCAM Cultural Centre and activities

The first cultural centre spearheaded by the seniors, was purchased in 1987 but outgrew its use and the present home was purchased in 1992. The Japanese Cultural Association of Manitoba operates the cultural centre where cultural, educational, Japanese language, seniors and martial arts user groups and programs are held. JCAM sponsors the Japanese Pavilion at the multicultural Folklorama Festival held annually in Winnipeg.

パネル5: マニトバ日本文化協会文化会館と活動
